Courses taught

    • Undergraduate Program in Accounting and Finance, Egaleo, Athens, Hellas (Greece), 2020/9 -
      1. Microeconomic Theory and Policy, 1st sem.
      2. Maritime Economics and Finance, 5th sem.
      3. Macroeconomic Theory and Policy, 2nd sem.
      4. International Finance, 6th sem. (2020-21).
      5. Financial Derivatives, 8th sem. (2020-21).
    • Graduate Programs in
  1. International and Maritime Economics, 1st sem. (2020-21).
  2. Macroeconomic Policy and the Economics of International Integration, 1st sem.
  3. Research Methods in Economics, Epistemology, 2nd sem.
    • Undergraduate Program in Accounting and Finance, Heraklion, Crete, Hellas (Greece)
       2004/2-2020/9, 1990/9-1997/8.
      1. Contemporary Political Economy.
      2. International Economics.
      3. European Economic Integration.
      4. Foreign Exchange Markets and Trading.
      5. International Financial Management and Banking
      6. Microeconomics.
      7. Business Economics.
      8. Macroeconomics.
      9. National Accounts – Social Accounting.
      10. Business Statistics I.
      11. Applied Econometrics I.
      12. Applied Econometrics II.
      13. Decision Analysis.
      14. Supervision of Theses.
    • Graduate Program “Accounting and Auditing” in collaboration with the University of Macedonia, Thessaloniki, Hellas (Greece), Dept. of Accounting and Finance.
  1. Contemporary Macroeconomics and International Finance.
  2. Taxation in Public Economics.
  3. Statistics and Econometrics.
  4. Supervision of Theses.
    • Undergraduate Program in Maritime Studies, Piraeus, Hellas (Greece)
      1. International Economics.
      2. Business Statistics.
      3. Quantitative Methods in Shipping and Transports.
    • Graduate Program in Shipping,
  1. International Economics.
  2. Quantitative Methods in Shipping and Transports.
  3. Supervision of Theses.